About Us

UltimateTravelMagazine.com presents a growing audience with a wide range of topical information, experiential stories, reviews and practical advice, along with “ultimate” experiences, attracting discerning travellers who want to explore the world in style yet appreciate value for money. Our aim is to inform and inspire, as well as introduce our following to the world’s best premium and luxury brands and operators.

Australia’s first online travel magazine dedicated to premium and luxury travel, the website is aimed at couples who travel for pleasure and romance, whether they’re looking to get away from it all at a luxury resort, cruising the high seas, or seeking a rich, cultural experience somewhere off the beaten track.

In June 2021 UltimateTravelMagazine changed ownership but the original intent and guiding principles have not changed. It is owned by Pragmacus Pty Ltd, which also has a wholesale travel business Pack Ya Bags Travel (www.packyabags.com). Pack Ya Bags is an Australian owned travel wholesaler operating in both Australia and New Zealand with access to popular, unique, unusual and hard to get products and services from around the world. Pack Ya Bags has been in the wholesale travel business for over 45 years and has an extensive network of products and services around the world behind them. 

The travel industry will play an integral part in the recovery of many economies in the coming few years. UltimateTravelMagazine.com will continue to inspire would-be travellers and highlight emerging premium and luxury travel experiences around the world. in addition we will expand our reviews into more international locations covering other areas such as sustainable travel, adventure travel and local cultural experiences.


UltimateTravelMagazine was founded and established in 2007 by Joanna and Ben Hall of the Australian based media partnership, Seahorse Media. Both partners have more than 30 years of experience in the publishing industry across all forms of media, with Ben a leading journalist, photo-journalist and television producer, and Joanna a luxury travel and cruise specialist. Joanna and Ben are co-authors and photographers of the 2009 travel book Cruising (New Holland Publishing), while Joanna is also a twice published author in the women’s health genre. Joanna will continue to contribute to UltimateTravelMagazine.com.